Filipp K.
Qualifications and experience: I am a 1st-year Logistics in transportation student at VŠLG (Vysoká škola logistiky) in Prague, Czech Republic. I am an independent English teacher, Tutor and translator (Native speaker) while I also worked in “Hogwarts school of languages”, Russia. (2 years). I teach all age groups from Beginner, Intermediate to Advanced levels, Business English, Professional and Technical English.
With EUFRAT since: 2022 March
Language taught at EUFRAT: English
Vaše hodnocení
- Dagmar G.: Ráda bych zde vyzdvihla lektora Phillipa, který výborně komunikuje se studenty v kurzu. Připojuje se na lekce včas a je dobře připravený a vždy ochotný pomoci. Velice pěkně vede konverzaci, dává dostatečný prostor k vyjádření každému studentovi. Navíc je ochotný poskytnout i mnoho materiálů a odkazů ke studiu nad rámec učebnice v kurzu. Jsem velmi spokojená s lektorem i s online kurzem.
- Lucie H.: Výborný.
- Jana K.: S lektorem Filippem jsem moc spokojena, na hodiny je vždy velmi dobře připravený.
What brought you to the Czech Republic? Well, I wanted to experience European culture. Secondly, I travelled to the Czech Republic for education purposes. With the Czech Republic being centralized in Europe there is actually a great opportunity to travel to neighbouring countries with ease. One and a half hours and you are in Germany, Austria, Poland, etc., how awesome is that?
What made you join the EUFRAT team? My zeal towards relating or understanding students' inner problems, doubts, realizations, goals and not only educationally but personally. It's more about thinking about the other person.
What is, in your opinion, the mission of a language tutor? In my opinion, the mission of a language tutor is to clearly explain the material content to his/her student in order for them to teach somebody new. Accelerate their confidence of not being afraid speaking and making mistakes and correcting them as well. Essentially, training a new teacher.
What would your students say about you? I believe my students will say that I am patient and entertaining.
And how would you describe your students? Entertained, I provide my students with interactive content. (Videos, podcasts, etc.)
Is there a lasting lesson you hope students take from your classes? Firstly, have a goal. You can’t learn a language without having any personal goals. Secondly, failure acceptance. You need to understand that only through failure, do we build character, patience and progression. Imagine always winning and what do you learn from winning? Nothing!
What is, according to you, the best thing about EUFRAT? The versatility of calm, collected and qualified teaching personnel from various backgrounds with a different story to tell you.
Is there a message you would like to send to your future students? Fully believe in yourself. Never listen to what others say you can and can’t do. You are your own person and you live for yourself not for others' acceptance or opinions of you. Trust the process and the grind. It will soon make sense.
And briefly:
- Favourite book: The dictionary of body language by Joe Navarro
- Movie: I, Robot
- Band / Record: My favourite question! I listen to hip-hop, particularly lyrical rap and drill. My Top 5: Eminem, J Cole, Kendrick Lamar, Joyner Lucas, Tyga. Eminem is the greatest rapper of all time without a doubt and question!
- Sea or mountains: Sea, but an ocean would leave you speechless though. I lived within 10 minutes of the Atlantic Ocean in Ghana, Accra.
- Summer or winter: Summer
- Dog or cat: I am allergic to cats so certainly dogs. I have a cute french bulldog.
Co učím
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