Diana T.
Qualifications: BA in Public Relations, Certificate in Creative Studies. In progress, Diploma in Child Phychology.
Experience: over 10 years experience teaching children and adults in New Zealand, China, Hong Kong and Czechia
With EUFRAT since: I taught for Eufrat in 2015 and 2016. I have recently returned from Hong Kong where I taught in prestigious schools and resumed my teaching for Eufrat.
Language taught at EUFRAT: English
Vaše hodnocení
- Petr F.: Jsem rád, že po dlouhé době opět chodím na doučování angličtiny. S paní učitelkou Dianou a se způsobem výuky jsem velmi spokojený.
- Věra B.: S paní lektorkou Dianou jsme se vždy na všem domluvily, nemám výhrady.
- Vlasta H.: Jsem nadšená z přístupu lektora. Paní Vinte je vždy výborně připravená a vždy upravuje výuku podle potřeb klienta. Je skvělá! :-)
- Diana C.: Velmi spokojený
- Lenka K.: Jen chválíme, rozmanité činnosti, vhodně volená témata, sympatická osobnost lektora.
- Lenka K.: Vážená paní Siala, tento týden jsem se pasivně zúčastnila online výuky lektorky Diany ( lekce je ve středu od 15:30) a chci touto cestou vyjádřit svoji spokojenost. Paní lektorka měla lekci pečlivě připravenou, hovořila srozumitelnou jednoduchou angličtinou a přenos byl kvalitní, takže nebyl problém jí rozumět. Opravdu klobouk dolů. Je velká škoda, že se nepřipojilo více dětí, ale to je jejich škoda. Hezký den
Jak vyučuji
- v Eufratu
- ve firmě
- Zoom
- on-line
What brought you to the Czech Republic, and what made you to join EUFRAT team? Eufrat is a big school on the market. It is also a dynamic environment, a team opened to teachers of many backgrouds and nationalities. The clients are focused people, which is very important for learning a foreign language. I like my experience with Eufrat so far.
What is, in your opinion, the mission of a language tutor? The teacher's job is to guide and expose learners to new ideas, amazing content and beautiful learning experiences. In this sense I make use of music, video, movement, games and exciting content throughout my lessons.
What would your students say about you? I hope they are happy to learn with me and use English in a manner very similar to learning in a foreign, Anglo-Saxon country.
And how would you describe your students? Interested, dedicated, sometimes reserved, but thirsty for knowledge.
Is there a lasting lesson you hope students take from your classes? I aim to teach English in a realistic context, reason why my lessons cover a vast and exciting STEM content, students can later use in their studies or work.
What is, according to you, the best thing about EUFRAT? The dynamic environment and a large offer of courses for all ages and groups of skills.
Is there a message you would like to send to your future students? I am always open to feedback and always willing to adapt to the needs of the student. If you are serious about learning English, you are sure to make fast progress with me and aquire interchangeable skills.
And briefly:
- Favourite book: Homo Deus by Yuval Harari
- Movie: Fight Club
- Band / Record: 2Cellos
- Sea or mountains: both (in one package, if possible)
- Summer or winter: summer
- Dog or cat: cat
Co učím
přehled kurzů vedených lektorem
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