Elliott B.

Elliott B.

Qualifications and experience: BBA in Marketing, MBA, MA in English, TEFL Certificate, PhD in English (in process)

With EUFRAT since: Fall 2022

Language taught at EUFRAT: English

Vaše hodnocení

  • Ondřej H.: Elliot je jeden z nejlepších učitelů angličtiny, které jsem měl možnost potkat. Líbí se mi především jeho vysvětlovací schopnosti a trpělivost.
  • Anastassia B.: Lektor nám velmi vyhovuje, zatím jsme měli jen dvěhodiny s ním ale už teď víme že nás to opravdu naučí a připraví na všechno co budeme potřebovat, takže můžeme jen velice pochválit.


What brought you to the Czech Republic, and what made you join the EUFRAT team? I taught at the International Summer Language School at The University of West Bohemia in 2017 and fell in love with the country. I love the pace of life and the country’s rich history. I joined EUFRAT because of the serious yet laid back approach to language learning.

What is, in your opinion, the mission of a language tutor? I want to help students with whatever needs they have. This could be English for conversation, writing, or a specific job or interest.

What would your students say about you? My students would say that I am laid back and enjoy discussing a wide array of ideas. The occasional student might think I am funny.

And how would you describe your students? The best students are those that are motivated and take ownership in the learning process. It makes it more fun for everyone!

Is there a lasting lesson you hope students take from your classes? I hope students will have a greater appreciation for their own language and culture, while also realizing the opportunities that English can provide them. 

What is, according to you, the best thing about EUFRAT? It is a place to learn a variety of languages and it focuses on meeting the specific needs of the student.

Is there a message you would like to send to your future students? English is sometimes intimidating, but with some time and practice you can improve to be able to speak to more people around the world!


And briefly

  • Favourite book: End of the Affair - Graham Greene
  • Movie: Oh Brother Where Art Thou?
  • Band / Record: I Forget Where We Were - Ben Howard
  • Sea or mountains: Sea

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