Liyousa S.

Liyousa S.

Qualifications and experience: Have experience as a teacher's assistant (TA) at University of British Columbia & tutored several subjects at John Abbott College in Montreal for several years including English Literature. 

Study/work abroad: Bachelor in environmental sciences from the University of British Columbia in Vancouver & Dental Hygiene  diploma from JAC in Montreal, Canada. Coordinator of several dental clinics for several years. 

With EUFRAT since: 2024

 Language(s) taught at EUFRAT: English

I teach: children, adults


Liyousa je kanadská rodilá mluvčí, která nyní studuje medicínu v Plzni. Nicméně vystudovala magisterský obor "Vzdělávání dospělých" na Yorkville University ve Frederictonu v Kanadě. A výuce dětí i dospělých se věnovala čtyři roky na John Abbott College v Sainte-Anne-de-Bellevue v Québecu v Kanadě. Zde učila i studenty s poruchami učení a dále zde učila i odborné předměty (anglický jazyk, humanistiku, matematiku, chemii a biologii). Získala i několik ocenění včetně: The David Burt Memorial Scholarship (John Abbott College June 2015). Kromě angličtiny, která je jejím rodným jazykem Liyousa hovoří také francouzsky, turecky a persky. Studenti na lektorce nejvíce oceňují její milý, profesionální a přátelský přístup a také její vždy perfektně připravené hodiny, které jsou nejen zábavné, ale i velmi dobře strukturované. 


What brought you to the Czech Republic, and what made you join the EUFRAT team? I am starting my studies at Charles University in the faculty of dentistry. I am passionate about teaching and learning new languages & the EUFRAT team is the ideal place :)

In my lessons, what do I usually use? depending on the level, I use a combination of textbooks/workbooks, games and activities, real-life contexts, literature, educational apps/online resources as well as assessments.

What can the students look forward to? Interactive and fun lessons, which will encompass all aspects of the English language (speaking, listening, writing, and reading). 

What is, in your opinion, the mission of a language tutor? To facilitate the learning of the new language through tailored lessons, which would lead to enhanced confidence and better communication skills as well as a passion for life long learning of the language.

And how would you describe your students? diverse individuals, each with unique backgrounds in terms of level, motivation, learning styles, and academic or real-life goals. 

Is there a lasting lesson you hope students take from your classes? to be able to instill a love for the language, which would hopefully motivate them to improve their language skills even beyond the formal tutoring sessions. 

What is, according to you, the best thing about EUFRAT? It provides a motivating atmosphere through the aid of qualified instructors and peer interactions with a focus on practical skills.   

Is there a message you would like to send to your future students? I am very excited to embark on this language learning journey with you in order to explor and unlock new ways to express yourself and connect with the world around you through the learning of the English language. 


Optional questions:

  • Book: Anne of Green Gables
  • Movie: Road to Avonlea
  • Sea or mountains: sea
  • Summer or winter: summer
  • Favourite destination: Istanbul
  • The most exotic destination I have visited: Cappadocia
  • I‘d like to go to the following destination: Egypt
  • How I spend my free time: Aerial Yoga classes, Oriental dancing lessons, travelling

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