Tomás D.

Tomás D.

Qualifications and experience: Spanish teacher course for foreigner

With EUFRAT since: January 2022

Language taught at EUFRAT: Spanish, english

Vaše hodnocení

  • Olga K.: Jsem velmi spokojená kurzem.
  • Michal B.: Skvělý lektor!
  • Simona T.: Na našem lektorovi nelze něco vytknout. Výuka probíhá hravě, zároveň se nikam nespěchá a vše vysvětluje. Je super.
  • Anežka J.:  S Tomym jsem velmi spokojena. Má dobře připravené hodiny, ale též nechává čas na diskuzi. Jako velké plus vidím i to, že vše vysvětluje ve španělštině (i když umí i částečně česky).


What brought you to the Czech Republic, and what made you to join EUFRAT team? I came to study here at the university, in 2018 I did an exchange for 6 months and I liked the country so much that I decided to return. I wanted to join the EUFRAT team because I have always wanted to be a teacher and help students improve, so I think this is the best opportunity in a great environment

What is, in your opinion, the mission of a language tutor? I believe that it is a very serious mission that must be taken with the corresponding responsibility so that after teaching the student does not have difficulties in using the language

What would your students say about you? That I am an orderly and friendly person, always ready to help

And how would you describe your students? Ask them....

What is, according to you, the best thing about EUFRAT?  The environment that there is and from what I have been able to see, the order in which things are carried

Is there a message you would like to send to your future students? I hope we can do the classes in the most dynamic way possible so that they can take learning to the maximum, I hope they can learn a lot with me


   And briefly

  • Favourite book: Aleph, Paulo Coelho
  • Movie: The Lord of the rings
  • Band/Record: Los prisioneros (Chilean band)
  • Sea or mountains: I prefer the sea with a lot of sunshine
  • Summer or winter: Summer
  • Dog or cat:  I have both so I couldn't choose    

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