Arar N.

Arar N.

Qualifications and experience: - Last year Medical student - English Teacher with a long experience (over 10 years) in teaching with many international programmes like the UN and the AMIDEAST, in universities and to refugee camp kids. - Trained development worker in the fields of CVs, and job/scholarship interviews.

With EUFRAT since: August 2019

Language taught at EUFRAT: - English (kids, Teenagers and adults), (General English, Conversation, Grammar and Language Exam Preparation). - CV, Cover letters and job/scholarship interviews workshops.


Vaše hodnocení

  • Petra Č.: Skvělý lektor, empatický, přizpůsobuje tempo výuky dceři, dcera je introvert, necháváji čas si na sebe zvyknout
  • Ella K.: Vše mi naprosto vyhovuje, jsem spokojená. Nejvíce se mi na lektorovi líbí jeho přátelský a chápající přístup.
  • Anežka K.: Velmi spokojená. Věřím, že nás na zkoušku dobře připraví.
  • Markéta P.: Syn je s lektorem spokojen, prý je fajn.
  • Jana K.:  Arar nás perfektně připravil na zkoušku B1, byly jsme s ním moc spokojené a nyní s ním zvažujeme přípravu na B2. Děkujeme za doporučení.
  • Petra P.: Lektor je velmi milý, trpělivý, vše velmi pečlivě vysvětluje. Jsem spokojena. 
  • Markéta H.: Arar je dle mého názoru úžasný na přípravé kurzy, připravoval moji dceru na B1, dcera si ho chválila a hlavně zkoušku udělala. Děkujeme za doporučení. 
  • Dobrý večer, píši Vám ohledně první lekce. Jsem velmi spokojena, přístup učitele je velmi přátelský. Moc Vám děkuji
    Krásný zbytek dne Ella K.


Jak vyučuji

  • v Eufratu
  • ve firmě
  • Zoom
  • on-line


What brought you to the Czech Republic? I Came to pursuit my medical studies at Charles University, Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen

What made you to join EUFRAT team? My passion towards teaching and interacting with students from different culture backgrounds had me searching for opportunities to build on my older teaching experience. And going back into the field of teaching gives me a special kind of energy and motivation in my own life. And why EUFRAT? Simply because while searching, I found it the best among the language schools in Pilsen. Professional work level, casual atmosphere, friendly environment for both teachers and students, which holds everyone closer together and make teaching AND learning a fun and smooth process along the way.

What is, in your opinion, the mission of a language tutor? First is to motivate, to direct the student and to dismiss any fear in the students towards the language and speaking. Second, to be creative and adapt to each situation, understand the variety of students, their personalities, abilities, goals from learning the language. And apply all this information by creating the best plan for each student to make him confident, motivated and be having fun in every class, and looking forward to the next class.

What would your students say about you? I will leave that for my students to tell, but I believe they would for sure mention that they like the different activities I use with them.

And how would you describe your students? - My KIDS students are always shy at the beginning, but once I get to understand them and bring the talent in them out, you can tell how smart, creative and cheerful are they! - My ADULT student give you that great feeling of determination in life when you see them not losing hope and trying to learn as much as they can despite of their age!

Is there a lasting lesson you hope students take from your classes? YES, to know that you don’t need to speak perfectly to be actually able to speak any language. Just keep trying, keep expressing yourself and keep the positive energy, and communication will no longer be a problem. :D

What is, according to you, the best thing about EUFRAT? As I already told, the professional work level, the casual atmosphere, and the friendly environment for both teachers and students, which holds everyone closer together and make teaching AND learning a fun and smooth process along the way.

Is there a message you would like to send to your future students? Let’s have fun learning from each other!


And briefly

  • Movie: The pursuit of happiness
  • Sea or mountains: Sea (and mountains)
  • Summer or winter: Summer
  • Dog or cat: Dog

Informace o způsobu získávání a výběru referencí najdete na stránce Dokumenty.




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